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Idevotion index

God said, in Jeremiah, "Ye shall seek me and find me when ye search for me with all your heart. Devotions can be ashes or burning coals, depending upon the state and condition of our heart. A Scripture text can be the hem of His garment, or the rising curl of smoke from burning incense. These collected here may be the flint and steel to start a fire or just a reminder of someone's encounter with God in still of the night or the cool of the day.


Aliyah 2Chron.36:26

Divine Appointment Jn.4:4

as GodsGen. 3:5b
a Man of Substance Heb. 11:1
ABC's Jn.3:2
On Ashes Job 3:8
Ask Your Father Prov.16:1
Be There Mt.5:6
Beauty and the Beast Mk.1:13
Beauty Contests Gen. 29:17
Be-Cause Jn.18:23
Best Buy Prov.23:23
Bondage Ex. 1:14
Bread Jn.6:48
Feelings Rom. 10:17
Broken Spirit Lk.23:46
Brothers Mt.23:8b
Can You Hear Me? 1Sam.28:6
Catch the WindActs 2:2
Cheers!John 2:5
Chew on this Phil.3:13
Christian Missionary Appliance Phil.4:19
Close SecondMt.6:14
Cross Words Gal. 6:14

Crude Oil1Jn. 2:15
Cry BabyEx. 14:15
Different Way Mt.6:10
Do me a favor Ps. 44:3
Do you love me? Jn.21:17
Dog Whisperer Mt. 10:16
Dumb Lk.11:14
Dwelling Eph. 3:17
Easter Mt.28:1
Exorcist Acts 19:15
Eye of the Needle Mt. 19:24


Feelings Rom. 10:17
Fine Art Gen. 1:29
Fire and Ice Ps. 148:8
Flesh Wounds Gal. 5:16
Followship Eph. 5
Foot Isa.60:13
Forgiveness Mt.18:21
Froward March Prov.6:12-14
Games Mt. 11:16
Idols Gen. 3:5
Goliath's Sword 1Sam. 21:9
Good Gen 1:4
Good Friday Mt.27:66
Graduate with Honors Ps.49:20
Hard Question Gen. 4:9
Hearing Aid Jn.10:4
Help Lk.1:37
Higher Lk.1:35
His Son Gal. 4:4
Holy Wholly Ps. 34:14
Homeless Lk. 10:5
How Much? Lk.3:2
How's Business? Jn.2:49
Impassse Ex. 14:2
In Kind Ps. 115:8
In Love Jn.11:36
IOU Mt.18:28
Job Job.1:9
Job's Friends Job10:15
Kingdom Mt.3:2
Kingdumb1Sam. 8:5
Kind Kind Eph.4:32
Leave me Alone Ex. 14:12
Light Conversation 1Jn.5:1
Living Proof Jn.6:6
Loco Motives Mt.22:29


Mail Call Lk.5:1
Manners Lk.9:55
Mary's Boy Mt.13:58
Master Mt.23:8
Meditation Ps. 19:14
Mix Ja.1:22

Mustard Seeds Mt. 17:20
No Place Jn.14:30
Now 1Cor.6:2
of God Jn.1:13
Panting Ps.42:1
Pardon Mic.7:14
Perfect Eph.2:8-9
Positive Lk.8:46
Profession Jn.20:28
Profit Mt.16:26
Receiver Prov. 20:12
Respect Jn.14:15
Risen Mt. 28:6
Savings and Loans Mt.18
Secret Place Ps.91:1
Seek Him Heb. 11:6
Seeker Jer.29:13
Sense and Nonsense Lk.18:35
Shooting Stars Lk.23:46
Six to Nine Mt.27:45
Smoke Rise Isa.42:3
Sombody Ex. 3:11
Soul Keeper Prov. 22:5
Spreadsheet Isa. 37:14
Straight Face Prov. 17:22


Tabernacle Ps.19:4
Tale of Two Cities Gen. 14
Take Good Care 1Cor.6:19
Taste Tests Mt.5:6
the Right Answer Acts 9:5
Thoughts Ps.10:4
Through and Through Isa. 43:2
Time to Worship Ecc. 3:1
Treasure Isa. 33:6
My Turn Lam.5:21
Warning 11:29
Watch Your Step Please Ps. 37:23
Way Maker Mt.3:4
What a Word is This?Lk.4:36
What God Wants Ps. 40:6
What's the Matter?1Cor.6:1
When Good Came Down Ps. 36:5-7
Where is He? Mt.2:2
Won and One2Cor.11:3
the WorksJn.9:3
Yes and NoPs. 34