A Different Way
“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven” (Mt. 6:10).
hen the disciples wanted Jesus to call down fire from Heaven, Jesus said, “You know not [of] what spirit you are.” No one who belongs to Christ and has the Spirit of Christ should hate anyone. We are to hate sin and love God with all our heart, soul and might. We are to depart from evil and do right. We are but brands plucked from the burning, released from a debtor’s prison by He who paid our debt in full. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Rending Christ’s seamless robe robs us of true Rest. Sects education quarrels over Christ’s remains at the foot of the cross and never realizes or experiences the real “power of his resurrection.” Paul, who called himself “the chief of sinners,” also said we are “more than conquerors” through Christ who loves us. And all who are “more than conquerors” must first conquer their own dispositions, before they should give lectures of dispensations. Those who are crucified with Christ are risen with him and walk with him. Those who have followed the star and found He who is born King of the Jews leaves Bethlehem with the other wisemen, to go home a “different way.” Yes, we are Kings and Priests, but with a servant’s heart and a “kindly” (more than a “kingly”), disposition. The Kind-Kind. Paul wrote, we can have all the gifts, knowledge, and even strength to move mountains, but if we have not love “we are nothing.” Jesus said, “He who would be greatest among you, is the servant of all.” None thought to take the bowl and wash the brethren’s feet in that upper room, except Jesus. And stooping before each (even Judas) Jesus the King of Kindness, in love, shows all who follow him how to open the Gates of Greatness in Service, before he went to the Cross and opened the Gates of Glory in the greatest act of Worship. -id
