the Bible
A Tabernacle for the Son
“in them He hath set a tabernacle for the sun”
Ps. 19:4b
salm 19 speaks of the heavens declaring the glory
of God. Until the believer dies, the Bible (read in the Spirit) is the
closest we will get to heaven. The Psalm speaks of the heavens being a
“Tabernacle for the sun.” We have something brighter and more
brilliant. We have the Bible. “The heavens and the earth will pass
away, but my words will not pass away,” said Jesus.
The two disciples of John asked Jesus where he
lived. His response was “come and see.” Where does the Word live, you
ask? Why, in His word, of course. “In the beginning was the Word and
the Word was with God and the Word was God.” God is in His Temple. God
is in His Word.
There was a time when the Word became flesh and
dwelt among us. The word “dwelt” is actually the word for tabernacled.
Yes, God is Omni-present. Yes, there is no place we can run and hide
from Him, but there is one place we can run to Him. We always find Him
home in His word. Nichodemus came to find Him by night. He was not
disappointed. Christ can always be found at Home, (although He is
everywhere) in the Bible. The Pharisee thought highly of Jesus. He
needed to think higher. He thought Jesus to be a teacher sent from
God. He is more. He is God’s Word come down.
To think that Jesus is in heaven is a wonderful
thought and He is. We are here and that because none of us are quite
ready for heaven yet, saved or unsaved. There is still something
undone, unlearned, untested in this wilderness. As Israel camped around
the tabernacle we camp around the Word of God, but that is not enough.
Some like to think of Christ being in heaven. Although I know it is so, and
there He intercedes for me, heaven is a thought higher than my
thoughts. I’m still down here. But here I find a Tabernacle for the
Son, and there I’m welcomed in. We must enter in and enter often to
find the One who is the Truth, the Light, the Living Word, and abide
with Him.