Do You Love Me?
John 21:17
o you love me? The fact that Christ should even
have to ask the question, should break our hearts. Peter, do you love
me? It broke Peter’s heart even though he tried to lessen the
question’s blow with a protest and a “qualification.” “Lord, you know
that I am very fond of you,” he offered in reply. This was the best
that Peter could do when so personally and directly confronted by the
Resurrected Truth.
August Van Ryn used to tell the story of his
artistic skills as a young boy, which did not rise to the level of his
desire to draw. He said he was so poor an artist that after drawing a
picture of a horse, he would write under it in block letters “THIS IS A
HORSE.” Few would have guessed it to be equestrian without the
When a person is born again, he is no longer what
he was, and by life and actions soon the Holy Spirit paints a picture of
what he is. Beware of the person who must too loudly pronounce to
everyone what he is. It should be obvious. When a person must write
under his “abstract” and worldly actions and life “I am a Christian”
(for no one would have ever guessed it without such a label) we have
every right to be suspicious. When someone would talk too much about
how much they loved Christ (rather than how much Christ loved them)
Brother Van Ryn would remember his early artist days, and think to
himself (while listening to such dubious claims) “THIS IS A HORSE.”
Some Christians, churches and Assemblies are acting
much like the world while loudly telling everyone how much they love
Jesus. Something is strange. This is a horse. They dress like the
world, play like the world, sing like the world, buy and sell like the
world, fight like the world, and live like the world, and then declare
in large block-like letters the testimony, “We are Christians.”
When Jacob came in to fool his father Isaac, the
Patriarch sensed that something was “not right.” Jacob felt like Easu
(which he claimed to be) but he sounded like the younger of the sons.
Jacob said one thing but felt and looked like another. I guess this
could be an argument that “faith comes by hearing” rather than
“feeling,” but I am not sure either. All I know is that if we lived
like the Savior and are “crucified with Christ,” there is no need
anymore for Pilate to label us with superscription or caption. If we were filled with the Holy Spirit
or the Spirit of Elijah as on mount Carmel, we would not have to dance
so hard, like the prophets of Baal trying to “make something happen”
while trying to convince the world and everyone around us that we love