Cry Baby
"And the LORD said unto Moses,
wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that
they go forward" Ex. 14:15
on’t be a cry baby. Not often does God scold us
for praying. But He does warn us about vain repetition which should be
avoided at all cost (Matt. 6:7). It is a failure of faith that fails to
go forward when God has given us marching orders. A friend summed up a
victorious Christian life this way, when asked why he carried his Bible
to the church meeting and what they did at their meeting. He said,
"first we’re going to read it, next we’re going to pray about
it, then we’re going to do it." What a dynamic description of a
triumphant Christian life this is. Problem with many of us is we
read it, pray about it, pray about it, pray about it, and pray about it
again. We are like the needle caught in the scratch of an old phonograph
record. Sometimes we need someone to give us a jolt. The Christian life
is a song ("and they sang a new song, saying thou art
worthy..."), we all too often fail to sing it.
There is a time to study. There is a time to pray.
There is a time to stop praying and start doing. If you seem to be
stuck, don’t cry (wherefore criest thou unto me?) rather try, try
doing the thing God has asked you to do. Go forward. Watch the waters