American Idols
here is no shortage of people who aspire to be as
“gods” these days. Thousands line up in hopes of becoming the next or
latest American idol. There is even a junior idol contest where ambitious
parents offer their children as sacrifices to the celebrity “gods” on the
altars of amusement. We sing, we dance; we play our way through this
world (or watch those who do) never pausing to realize that the devil has
gotten the whole world dancing in a graveyard. Satan tried to inspire Eve
with such ambitious aspirations, and “to be as gods” (Gen. 3:5). His
lyrics are a lie. Our “gods” today are surrounded by a matrix of a
modern media that created them. Their illusion grows larger than life
with every camera’s flash. Everyone wants to be a Millionaire. Everyone
wants to be a Star. Even the Church is picking up the mantra.
We have taken our eyes off the stars that fascinated
the Magi and have fixed our hearts on lower lights. The stars today are
not in the heavens, but in Hollywood. They are digital rather than
divine. Our “stars” never lead to a humble manger. Our graven images are
painted with computer pixels and are generated by entertainment moguls who
market dreams and fantasy. Their Genesis makes man in man’s image. TV
and Movie screens offer up their incense of illusion and the masses are
mesmerized. Our “stars” are in stadiums. Our hopes are in horse
races. Our longing is in lotteries. Our faith is in our own
Woe to the church that borrows their manners from
the world or bows to a mirage. Woe to those who settle for spotlights and
lesser lights of entertainment. Satan’s promise of “knowing good and
evil” is today called “sophistication.” For the church it is
suffocation. The church that is bored with Jesus must change its tune and
tries to make God dance like some minstrel for the world’s amusement.
John said it well. “Love not the world, neither the
things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the
Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the
flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father,
but is of the world. And the world passseth away, and the lust thereof:
but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever” (1Jn. 2:15-17).
