Foot Notes
will make the place of my feet glorious. (Isa.
60:13). Jesus is the head,
and this is Headship. However, we show that we understand headship by finding a place at his
feet. “I will make the
place of my feet glorious.” Too
many times we want to push our way into the boardroom of God’s
corporation wanting to find out what God plans to do. We want to sit at the conference table more than at the
communion table. In the
church we want to be at the head more than at the feet. He said, “I will make the place of my feet glorious.”
We disciples get into the most trouble when we hover too high and try to
influence the plans of God. We
come with our five-year and ten- year plans and roll them out before the
Almighty like so many blueprints to a housing project, and then press
him even with our prayers. How much better to believe that He already
has plans for us, how much better to find a place at his feet, and wait
on him to speak. The place of his feet is glorious. Mary knew it was so. That
is where we often find her (Lk. 10:39). Martha was fuming in the kitchen trying to make Christ’s
May I begin each day at his feet and trust that the
head knows what it is doing. “I
will make the place of my feet glorious.”
