Dog Whisperer
"The Master is come and calleth for thee" Jn.11:28
esus said “I send you out as sheep among
wolves.” It is a good idea to know the difference. Max, is my dog. He’s
great. But he will always be a dog and the “son of a dog.” We just got back
from an enjoyable walk. We have both agreed that I am the Alpha around here
and he is the Omega. I am the “decider” and the "provider." There was a
time when I did not make that clear. He would pull on the leash. I would
pull back. He would dart. I would yell. Back in those days, the walk was
“work.” Going for a walk with him was not enjoyable. Now we have come to an
understanding, and we both have a good time getting our exercise. I smell
the flowers. He smells…..well…..dogs will be dogs. Trying to make him
smell the roses would be a waste of time.
As a sheep, I must
follow the Shepherd. Whenever I don’t , it never ends “well.” When God was
doing His thing in creation, the end of every day could be declared “good.”
He is the “Decider.” Elijah, the man of great thunder, learned that God is
the Sheep Whisperer, when he heard the "still small voice." Wolves, by
nature, will follow the sheep, but not the Shepherd. Woe to that sheep that
falls too far behind. Wolves will be wolves. I must begin each day in the
green pastures of God’s Word. The walk must not be work. It must be
worship. If He is not there, I must wait for Him. Even if I am mourning the
death of my Lazarus, I must believe He is on the way, and not be surprised
when some dear sister leans over and whispers, “The Master is come, and
calleth for thee.” - id