idea Bin

A collection of i thoughts
ideas, and illustrations to encourage readers to look up and to discover or rediscover the goodness and greatness of God




The Church:
Us in Him and He in Us



Every good and perfect gift
cometh from above
be it slow or be it swift
it’s from a God of love
and all we do give back to Him
is something He gave first
yes, every pound and every pin
both the water and the thirst
every dollar and every dime
is from His opened hand
every minute of our time
provided for what He Planned -id




Letter to a Fetus





Why I said "Yes" to Jesus

I closely examined and considered His claims, character, conduct. I pondered the paradox of the cross and responded to power of His call. I found His influence on world history and upon my own heart to be indelible, His character impeccable, courage invincible, words imperishable, His love immeasurable and kindness incredible. He said He was the Way, and I believe Him. For the sinner, He is the way “out,” for the seeker, the way “in.” For the fallen, He is the way “up.” For those gone astray, He is the way “back.” For the lost He is the way “home.” He is the Highway, the Freeway, the Narrow Way, and the Only Way. He also said that He is the Truth and I believe the Truth. As Truth, His words were unvarnished as well as untarnished. Truth is untainted, untangled, and without shadow of turning. Truth is “what is,” and Jesus is the “I Am.” Truth is the plumb line, the straight edge, the fulcrum and the tip of the spear. He also said He is Life. He offers to all who believe in Him, New, Abundant, and Eternal life. He was, by His enemies vilified, by birth and life qualified, by prophecy crucified, resurrection justified, and by His ascension glorified. He is the center, the source and the force of my faith. He is my Savior and Lord. Two Thousand years ago He came, He Became, He Overcame, and He said He is Coming Again. Perhaps Today. -id




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id-votional thoughts



idToons -----"Looking at things just a little different."



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this author found Peace fifty-five years ago when he knelt by an army bunk bed and surrendered to God, and this is a collection of lessons learned and shared along the way.
Feel free to copy all cartoons, poems, lessons, written or made by id, istockphotos are copyrighted and should not be copied.

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Paul asked two questions when he was converted on the Damascus Road. "Who are you Lord?" The second question was, "What do you want me to do?" First there is the Who, then there is the Do.




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