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Now, That's Crazy


igmund Freud called himself a ‘Godless Jew.’  Now, that’s Crazy. The Bible says, “a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” So, in Freud’s own words we have found either an oxymoron or a moron.   Anyone who tries to live in this world without God (the God of the Bible) is unstable, and that’s crazy. 

How did things get so crazy? Sigmund Freud said that religion is based on an ‘illusion,’ and what makes them ‘illusions’ is that they are based on ‘wishes’ rather than reality. He goes on in his booklet entitled ‘The Future of an Illusion’ to say that Religion is founded on fantasy involving a desire for a father figure and the fear of death. Like most religions, Freud’s is also a Fraud.  He should have thought more about Jesus and less about Oedipus.

It was the ‘Roaring Twenties,’ and the daughters of Eve found him fascinating (a father figure who smoked big cigars).  Psychology is as much a religion as any, and Freud’s Psychoanalysis was nothing more than mad men peering into the sinful minds of other men, like some Shaman examining the entrails of each crazy man’s imagination and trying to explain all the lies and lust found there. He also argued that the ‘individual’ (because of the lies and lust) is the enemy of society and must be ‘restrained’ and ‘regulated’  by elites (like himself) and by the Government. Yes, Freud described himself as a ‘godless Jew,’ and taught that religion is a “universal and obsessional neurosis.”  

Add to this the fact that Carl Marx called religion an opioid or the people, and Charles Darwin, a Unitarian, taught we are all animals and Jesus was just a man,  might help explain college students of today and how our world has gotten to be so “crazy.” -id