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Walking the Plank of Abortion


f each of our sins produced a wound or pox, we would all be covered with boils dripping with the puss of hypocrisy. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Having said that, there is something “sinister” about slaughtering the innocent. The etymology of the word sinister comes from Latin, meaning “on the left.” Democrats are also “on the left.”  Sinister also meant “under-handed,” and that explains a lot.  Abortion is the height of hypocrisy, claiming to love the least and yet act like a beast. Abortion, is akin to Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’ when it comes to birth control.  God is Pro-Life as well as Pro-Choice. The Good Book says, “Depart from Evil and Do Good,” or as God’s people say, “L’Chaim.”  To Life! The animal world is a binary biosphere and balance of testosterone and estrogen. “God made them male and female.” (Follow the Science).  Abortion breaks the laws of nature as well as the sixth commandment, to say nothing of the law of kindness or the golden rule. -id