Walk the Walk
Crowds blocked the way, but real faith moves forward
The roof was unroofed and the lame man was lowered
into the packed room where the Master had sat
down came the strengthless laid out on a mat
The cripple man gazed into the Son of God’s eyes
but was a bit disappointed, the crowd too was surprised
for the lame thought his healing was sure and a given
not expecting to hear, “son, your sins are forgiven.”
The Pharisees fumed as they cried out in Outrage
But the Lord was in wisdom merely setting the stage
words can seem cheap, and the crowd still unmoved
How would they know except it were proved?
Christ could have just healed the poor man with speed
But the Teacher must teach what the students most need.
showing power to forgive was not simply talk
He said to the cripple, show the world how you walk -id
