Oh Thou who gave the angels wings
And Who can move the hearts of Kings
Who raised one up and sets one down
Who takes or plaits the sovereign’s crown
Oh Thou who made the inner ear
And does with grace the humble hear
Designed the eye, created sight
So man on earth could see Thy Light
Oh Breath of God blow where Thou list
Show open hand and not Thy fist
Thy rain and wind, Thy fire or flood
Give life to flesh as faith to blood
Two hearts may they, Lord, beat as one
Complete the work Thou hast begun
Bring low all things that are too high
Lift up the lowly as they cry
Make straight the crooked wandering way
And smooth the rough as potter’s clay
Turn us on wheels if turn You must
To make a vessel out of dust
Oh fill us with Thy holy wine
Thyself, Thy Spirit taste Divine
And lift this cup to all Thou would
That all may know that God is good.
- id
