A Measure
Deposit with thine own hand
Treasures laid up in glory.
We invest in heaven’s land
and write ‘in time’ our story.
Every hour we live for God,
as every waking minute,
measures out a foot and yard
with all God’s blessing in it.
Every praise and song we sing
the LORD shall count as riches,
Deeds: a choir robe we’ll bring,
tailored by our own stitches
Treasures given here today
God won’t forget tomorrow
all we give, God will repay
for all we have we borrow.
Every second sacrificed
is glory to the Father,
counted as the widow’s mite
will in His hands go farther
Now in some eternal store
a mete wherewith we measure
all we give, God shall give more.
To give is God’s good pleasure.
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