Christmas Awe
What happened in a stable two thousand years
Should stagger imaginations of every soul below
That the God who made the universe
should make Himself so small,
and lay helpless in a manger
in some paltry shepherd stall
Should cause each creature stop and pause
In wonder and in awe
To ponder what would be the cause
Or what’s this coming for
And why so weak and little
This God who made the stars
To a world so broke and brittle
And so filled with battle scars?
And why on earth the Infinite
an infant should become
and come to earth so desolate
where to death all must succumb?
The answer is eternal and before the time
In love the Logos uttered
What was God’s eternal plan
That God should send a Savior
Without a sword in hand
To destroy death in His dying -
Only faith can understand
If God was there at Bethlehem
And His glory all around
Then nothing is too hard for Him
wherever faith is found.
And ‘though the world reject Him,
And no room within the Inn
Faith welcomes and accepts Him
to watch an awesome life begin
