BlessedHands- by Ingimar DeRidder sung by J. Rowland and Cecil Hughes
Most Moving Sight in Heaven
Although I'm told the streets of Gold
Will be a sight to see
And Jasper walls and gates of pearl
Stood from eternity
There is one thing that moves my heart
That means the most to me
of all the things in heaven
in this the greatest glory be
I'll look for thee Lord Jesus
No longer on that tree
But on the throne of Glory
and I'll in thy presence be
Not because your mighty hand
made Sun, and moon, and stars
But there I'll be forever for your hands
for me bare scars.
One day I'll leave this world behind
And cross the crystal sea
Of all the wonders there we'll find
None can compare to thee
It's not the saints and angels
That will occupy my eye
But when I see those blessed hands
In Joy I'll bow and cry
Blessed hands, Lord Jesus
Reached out to rescue me
Blessed hands Lord Jesus
scarred in love to set me free
