Follow Me
That’s what Jesus said. Those who believed in Him did.
Those without faith, didn’t. Faith and obedience go together. When one
falls, both fail. In the heat of battle, a young lieutenant tells his
platoon to “follow him.” Everything rises and falls on leadership.
Soldiers have been known to “frag” a leader who was incompetent. They
considered him more dangerous than the enemy. On the other hand, they would
follow a good leader they trusted into hell.
It would be nice to know that our leaders knew what
they were doing, whether they were responding to a disaster like Katrina,
sending soldiers into battle, or leading an assembly. A junior officer has
to know how to read a compass and a map.
Sometimes a long column would stop as we trekked
through the jungle or forest in Vietnam. Someone gave an order, we obeyed.
The “grunt” on the ground just did what he was told. We were ordered to
“sweep” a village at daybreak. Another squad would “flush” it from the
opposite direction. We would engage any “enemy” who was flushed from the
thatched huts like quail rushing from the thicket. Through some
miscommunication we nearly killed each other.
I photographed McNamara, Westmorland, and President
Johnson. The architects and those who held high and powerful positions
would later write books like “In Retrospect” explaining their “errors” and
miscalculations. I also photographed the ordinary unsung heroes, at the tip of the spear. Many did not get to come home to write books or chair
political science departments in academia. Some, who did not go, ran for
high political office and did well instead. Isn’t Vietnam a trading partner
I figured out long ago that, not only are men sinful,
most of the time they don’t know “what in the world they are doing.” That’s
why I decided to follow Jesus. I don’t lose sleep over who’s in and who’s
not in office.
We are not supposed to “frag” the preacher, the elders,
or our elected officials. At the same time, those who are fighting to
spread democracy might do well to remember what democracy means. It might
mean the majority wants us to “go home” or “stay home.” It might also mean
the majority wants Barabbas to go free and Christ to be crucified. For me,
leadership is about faith and obedience. Both can be misplaced and
misspent. I choose to follow Jesus. That’s personal. So is who I vote for.
If those in charge ask for our help in reading a “drop chart,” (used to calculate how much slack in a rope is too much when hanging a man), I have only
one suggestion. Just make very sure that the noose is not around our own
neck. -id
